Why become an International Licensed Training Provider with the ECITB?
By becoming a licensed training provider with ECITB Global you can deliver our training courses and qualifications to meet internationally recognised standards.
ECITB Global is the international arm of the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), part of the UK Government’s Department for Education, which has operated within the UK for over 30 years and elsewhere in the world for more than 10 years.
We work with employers and training providers to train, test and qualify the engineering construction workforce in a wide range of craft, technical and professional disciplines.
Our training products help develop key skills and improve workplace safety and productivity.
Currently the ECITB has licensed training provision in more than 20 countries. Our qualifications and training standards are highly valued by some of the world’s largest engineering construction companies where certain ECITB qualifications are mandated for staff.
This governance and specialist know-how sets us apart from most other awarding bodies. Training providers can be assured that the ECITB Global products are of the highest standard.
How to become an ECITB International Licensed Training Provider
To deliver our training programmes and qualifications you have to become a Licensed ECITB Centre.
The licensing process consists of three stages:
Stage 1 – Company due diligence
- Expression of interest form
- Application form
- Financial and legal checks
Stage 2 - Consultancy visit
- Facilities and equipment checks
- Trainer / examiner approval (Train the Trainer/familiarisation training for IHSP)
- Visit report
Stage 3 - Final review
- Licensing panel review
To find out more complete the contact form and a member of our international team will contact you.
ECITB Global application forms and guidance
The ECITB Global approval criteria document sets out the minimum standards that must be met by individuals applying to be tutors/trainers, testers, invigilators or administrators of ECITB programmes, courses and technical tests.
Approved persons must be able to satisfy the specified requirements in all three areas of criteria as shown in the matrix of our trainer-tester criteria below (APP02B).
Application criteria guide for trainers and examiners (APP02B)